Chapter 2
Management of Device and Door
This chapter guides you on how to install and manage FingerTec devices into Ingress and assigning them to doors.
Configuring Settings to Doors
You can configure access settings in Ingress and upload to both devices paired with the door. This ensures both standalone devices apply the same access settings during operation. If you are using a standalone device with a slave to guard the door, settings will only be sent to the standalone device.
Ingress treats Ingressus II as 2 different doors even though it is from one device. You can configure access settings for each door individually. Ingressus II can store and apply the settings to doors accordingly.
Ignore this if you are installing with the Keylock series. Due to the lack of communication cable, Ingress cannot upload any settings to Keylock. Thus you do not need to configure anything in Ingress.
1. Click to select a door.
2. Press Edit at the right panel.
3. Change the settings accordingly.
General configuration for standalone device and Ingressus
Permanent Door Open/Close Time Zone: Select to follow time range settings to allow free access (without verification at the device) to the zone. Only to be used for zones with open access to public during specific time range. Requires setup of Permanent Door Open Close Time Zone. Leave this blank to ignore this feature.
Lock Open Duration: Change to set duration for door lock and unlock during successful verification.
Door Sensor Type: Select the type of door sensor installed at the device. The most common type is NC (normally close). Door sensor is a must-have component if you want to monitor door activities. It responds to standalone device or Ingress all the time to report door status.
Configurations to apply to door with standalone device only
Full Access Device: Important setup if you apply Time Zone settings to the door. Select exit device to become full access device. Full access device ignores time zone settings. Users can verify at the device to leave the zone anytime.
Alarm Delay: Change to set the duration before triggering alarm during emergency. Set to 0 for the device to trigger alarm immediately during emergency.
Error Times To Alarm: To set the maximum times of failed verification before device triggers alarm. This is to alert the unauthorized person to not tamper with the device.
Duress Alarm 1:1 Trigger
Duress Alarm 1:N Trigger
Duress Alarm Password Trigger
During emergency users can verify at the device to trigger duress alarm to alert others. For example, robbers force user to verify to unlock the door to access into the zone. User can verify at device to trigger alarm to alert the users inside the zone.
Activate one of the above options as the duress alarm trigger method. If you are using fingerprint verification to gain access during normal days, activate Duress Alarm Password Trigger. The device will then trigger the alarm when you insert your password. Refer to the device’s user guide for details on how to enroll fingerprint or password to trigger duress alarm.
Duress Alarm Delay: Change to set duration before alarm is triggered during duress scenario. Set 0 and device will trigger alarm immediately during duress scenario.
Door Sensor Type: Select the type of door sensor installed at the device. The most general type is NC. Door sensor is an important component to monitor door activities. In case of door force open or door remain open, the door sensor reports it to the device. You can see the status of door under the Monitoring page in Ingress. Select None if you did not install door sensor, but you can no longer monitor the activities from this door.
Configurations to apply to door with Ingress only
Permanent Door Open/Close Holiday Time Zone: Select to follow time range settings to allow free access (without verification at the device) to the zone during holiday. Requires setup of Holiday list and Permanent Door Open Close Holiday Time Zone. Leave this blank to ignore this feature.
Punch Interval: Set the time duration between 1st and 2nd verification from the same user, for example 10s. Ingressus will not grant access to the user if he/she verifies twice within 10s from any slave devices.
Verify Mode: To select combination of verification to gain access.
Duress Password: Same as Duress Alarm Password Trigger.
Emergency Password: During emergency, users can enter an emergency password to unlock any door (controlled by Ingressus) at anytime. Time zone or access control settings will not affect it. This is normally done by the administrator.
Door sensor delay: Set the time duration before Ingressus triggers the alarm if door remains open.
Close and Reverse State: Activate this if you want EM lock or dropbolt to lock immediately once door closes. You must install door sensor together with the door lock. When the door sensor touches each other, Ingressus receives the signal and activates the door lock system immediately. This overrides the Door Open Duration settings and can avoid unauthorized access or tailgating incident.
4. Save settings.
5. Upload new settings to devices.