Chapter 3
Setup of Zones
This chapter guides you on setting up zone installations using Ingressus.
Apply Antipassback to force all users to verify every time when coming in or leaving the work place. Ingressus blocks user access if the user missed his/her previous verification record. This is an important feature to stop users from tailgating others during access. Ingress can collect the full IN-OUT records of every user.
1. Click Antipassback from the left panel.
2. Click Add Zone.
3. Name the Zone, e.g.: Ground Floor.
4. Click Add Device.
5. Select Ingressus from the list.
6. Name the Ingressus controller.
7. Press Edit at the Basic Information panel.
8. Select the nature of Antipassback by clicking at the radio button.
  Antipassback between readers of Door 1: To activate feature at Door 1 only.
  Antipassback between readers of Door 2: To activate feature at Door 2 only.
  Antipassback between readers of Door 1 and between the readers of Door 2 respectively: To activate the features at both Door 1 and Door 2 independently.
  Antipassback between Door 1 and Door 2: To activate the feature between both Door 1 and Door 2. User must have an Out record from Door 1, before granted access to Door 2.
9. Sync settings to the Ingressus controller.